- Art of Problem-Solving Initiative

In the summer of 1990, after his first year of college, Richard Rusczyk invited two friends from the Math Olympiad Summer Program, Sandor Lehoczky and Sam Vandervelde, to join him in building a new national math contest. Sam came up with naming the contest the “Mandelbrot Competition,” with the intent of using the Mandelbrot Set as a logo. Richard called Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot from a payphone at a convenience store to ask his permission to use his name. Dr. Mandelbrot gracefully agreed.
Unfortunately, the first two years of the Mandelbrot Competition weren’t as successful as we’d hoped. The scores on the tests were extremely low, perhaps because the tests were too hard, or perhaps because the students hadn’t been exposed to as much math as we had. While walking across campus discussing the problem, Sandor suggested a solution: “We should write a book!”

Eighteen months later, one book became four: two texts and two solution manuals entitled the Art of Problem Solving. On the advice of a publisher at Princeton University Press, we published the texts ourselves. Fortunately, organizations we’d been involved with as students helped us get the word out, and the books quickly found an audience.
Nine years later, that audience was a critical starting point for the launch of www.artofproblemsolving.com
In 2016, AoPS launched AoPS Academy, which brings the AoPS curriculum to physical learning centers. AoPS Academy offers math and language arts classes for outstanding students in grades 2-12. We currently have campuses in the following places:
- Pleasanton, CA
- Santa Clara, CA
- San Diego, CA
- Gaithersburg, MD
- Lexington, MA
- Morrisville, NC
- Princeton, NJ
- Frisco, TX
- Vienna, VA
- Bellevue, WA

There are many excellent summer programs that bring together top high school students from all over the country. But what do these students do for the rest of the year? Since 2005, many of them have been in our Worldwide Online Olympiad Training (WOOT) program, which brings together many of the best high school students from around the world to train for major national Olympiads such as the USA Mathematical Olympiad and the International Math Olympiad.
Staff Member of AoPS

Daniel Zaharopol
Chief Executive Officer
Richard Rusczyk
President, Board of Directors
- The Chinese Mathematics Association
The Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS) is an academic social group of Chinese mathematicians and it is a constituent part of the China Association for Science and Technology. The purpose of CMS is to unite Chinese mathematicians to promote the development of mathematics, boost Chinese science and technology, encourage the growth and advance of science and technology talents, as well as making contribution to revitalizing the economy, promoting construction of two civilizations, and accelerating the socialist modernization of our country. The main tasks of the CMS including: organizing academic activities, editing and publishing mathematics journals, carrying out international academic exchanges, holding mathematics competitions, launching popularization works, organizing activities that promote the reform of mathematical education, and organizing workshops or seminars according to the needs of national construction and disciplinary development.
The Chinese Mathematical Society was founded in Shanghai in July 1935. The first meeting was held in the library of Shanghai Jiao Tong University on July 25th, which has thirty-three participants. The institutional framework of the Chinese Mathematical Society sets the board of directors (董事会), the council (理事会) and the senate (评议会) when it was established. Its members were Tun-fu HU (胡敦复), Zuxun FENG (冯祖荀), Meiquan ZHOU (周美权), Lifu JIANG(姜立夫), King-Lai HIONG(熊庆来), Kike-Kwong CHEN (陈建功), Buchin SU(苏步青), Tsai-han KIANG (江泽涵), Baocong QIAN (钱宝琮), Zhongsun FU (傅种孙), etc. Published Journals include the Journal of Chinese Mathematical Society and the popular journal is the Journal of Mathematics.
Now, the journals published by the Chinese Mathematical Society are: Acta Mathematica Sinica (数学学报,中文版), Acta Mathematica Sinica (English series) (数学学报,英文版), Acta Mathematicae Applicate Sinica(应用数学学报,中文版),Acta Mathematicae Applicate Sinica (English Series) (应用数学学报,英文版), Advances in Mathematics (China)(数学进展), Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory (数学实践与认识), Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics(应用概率统计), Mathematical Bulletin(数学通报), and the popularity journals Middle School Students Mathematics (中学生数学) and Newsletters of Chinese Mathematical Society (中国数学会通讯).
Acta Mathematicae Applicate Sinica
Thirty-one provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China have established local mathematics society organizations. They carry out activities independently, and the Chinese Mathematical Society is responsible for providing operation guidance for them. The professional committees of the Chinese Mathematical Society are: Computational Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Mathematical History, Uniform Design, Biology Mathematics, Combinatorics and graphic theory, Computer Mathematics, Singular Perturbation, Nonlinear Functional Analysis, and Mathematical Logic. At present, the working committees of the Chinese Mathematical Society are: Organization Committee, Academic Exchange Committee, International Exchange Committee, Editing and Publication committee, Mathematical Popularization and Dissemination Committee, Mathematical Education Committee, Mathematics Competition Committee, Female Mathematicians Committee, Glossary of Mathematical Terms Committee, Western Mathematics Development Committee, Mathematical Development Foundation and the office of Chinese Mathematical Society.
Members of the Chinese Mathematical Society should be in science research, education, production departments that engaged in mathematics or mathematics-related works, equivalent to mathematicians that have the title similar to assistant professors, lecturers, or engineers. Nowadays, members of the Chinese Mathematical Society are over 50,000. The President of the thirteenth Council of CMS is Gang TIAN(田刚), Vice Presidents are (sorted by stroke of Chinese characters) Xiaoyun WANG(王小云), Yuguang SHI(史宇光), Fozhou GONG(巩馥洲), Wantong LI(李万同), Jun LI(李骏), Dongmei XIAO(肖冬梅), Weiping ZHANG(张伟平), Jifeng ZHANG(张纪峰), Aihui ZHOU(周爱辉), Nanhua XI(席南华), Yunqing HUANG(黄云清), Liangang PENG(彭联刚). The secretary general is Fuzhou GONG(巩馥洲).
Gang TIAN(田刚)
The President of the thirteenth Council of CMS
- Malaysia: SMO Education Group

SMO (stands for Singapore Math + Olympiad) aims to culminate the combined strengths of Singapore Math and Olympiad Math which had significantly contributed to Singapore’s success in the PISA and TIMSS assessments for close to 20 years.
SMO Education Group was set up with the main objectives:
- Promoting the interest and enthusiasm of Malaysian students towards Mathematics and problem solving.
- Supporting Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 by providing on-going international standard mathematical challenges meant for training and testing students’ problem-solving skills, as well as Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).
- Uplifting the Mathematics standards in Malaysia, especially in the international arena, including the world-famous PISA and the TIMSS assessments, and all the other Mathematics & Science Competitions.
With the appointment as the country exclusive partner, SMO will own the rights to conduct the various Mathematics, Science and other prestigious Competitions, including:
- Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiads(SASMO)
- Depth of Knowledge Assessment(DOKA & DOKA Final)
- American Mathematics Olympiad(AMO)
- Mathematical Association of America’s American Mathematics Competition(MAA-AMC)
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad(Big Bay Bei Heat & Final)
- Vanda International Science Competition(Vanda Science)
- Vanda Science Global Finals(Vanda Finals)
- Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad(TIMO Heat & TIMO Final)
- Singapore International Mathematics Olympiad Challenge (SIMOC)
- Asia International Mathematical Olympiad (AIMO Trial & AIMO Final)
- Philippine International Math and Science Olympics(PIMSO)
- International Junior Math Olympiad (IJMO)
- Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad(HKIMO Heat & HKIMO Final)
- Singapore Math Global Assessment(SINGA)
- Singapore Math Global Finals(SINGA Finals)
- Design Thinking with Robotics and Computational Thinking International Competition(DrCT)
- Design Thinking with Robotics and Computational Thinking International Competition Global Finals(DrCT Finals)
- Global Mathematics Elite Competition Final(GMEC Final)
- World International Mathematical Olympiad(WIMO Final)